Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Good news!
The portal about our coming convocation has been updated.
Check out from time to time for the latest information.

Unfortunately, our status (status graduan) has not been updated yet.
Please make sure that you've settled all your debts with the Jabatan Bendahari (hostel dwllers- your latest hostel fees + RM60 convocation fees; non-hostel dwellers : RM60 convocation fees). Interestingly, I was refunded for paying extra for bus fees last semester, hehehee.
Also remeber to return all your library books.
That's 'coz you'll only get your transkrip and schroll when you show proof of your payments.

I'll be taking 13th August off as my dear Boss said I'm eligible for 3 days of Cuti Rehat only. See you all during Raptai then, God Willing.

Till then, keep cool and all the best in your undertakings, cheerio!


Anonymous said...

about taking leave for convo...i just hinted my penyelia ptg about taking off from 11 till the 15 of aug.but she seemed a little reluctant n ask me to talk to the superior.anyone wit any info on how many days off we r elogible for?can someone take the robe 4 us if we can t make it on the 11th aug.i need info pls...thanx

ALIYA said...

"Cikgu, saya nak ambil cuti rehat untuk konvo saya pada 16 ogos."
My Pengetua frowned. "Cikgu masukpada pertengahan tahn, bulan julai, jadi cikgu boleh dapat 3 hari cuti saja. Tapi saya nasihatkan jangan ambil semua sekali sebab kalau ada emergency nanti susah cikgu nak dapat pelepasan.Cikgu datang sekolah dulu pada 11hb, lepas rehat bolehlah pergi USM."
Sigh... Luckily I'm only 1 hour from school to USM. Am only taking 13th off.