Friday, July 4, 2008


Alhamdulillah.. Thank God the news are out already.

It's confirmed, friends.
The date of our convocation is Saturday, 16 August 2008, Time 9am, Sidang 5.

We have to take our jubah near Sendut 1 library on Monday, 11 August 2008 (9am-5pm) and return them before 31 August 2008.

The raptai will be held on Wed, 13 August 2008 at DTSP, at 2.30pm

Remember those dates, everyone.
See you all next month, God willing.

For more information, click on


Anonymous said... we have to apply our cuti early la! I don't know whether my Pengetua will let me go early. Then my wife will have to apply cuti jugak la!!!!Spending my school holidays in Penang! See you guys there!!- Faizal

ALIYA said...

We are allowed to take 7 days cuti rehat laa.. or at least 4 days off. Try to negotiate with your Pengetua. I've taken the form, have to hand them in to be approved 2 weeks before the convo.. so I'm eagerly waiting for the surat panggilan konvo from USM :)