Sunday, January 25, 2009


Gong Xi Fa Chai, May this year 2009 bring more prosperity and happiness to everyone!
And especially to Reggie, Elice, Ping, Patsy, Chik, Chai, Boon Yew, Shu Ren, Tan, Calvin and all Chinese readers of this blog!
Faizal, I can't see the angpau, no angpau cash for you, hehehee...

Say other than Faizal and Reggie (Hey,not fair la... you shouldn't register before our convo!) who else have been interviewed by SPP?

Friday, January 23, 2009

Chinese New Year 2009!

This red envelope is for you to fill in some cash and send it to me..hehehe!

TESOLIAN HOTSPOT would like to take this opportunity to wish all Chinese friends, HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! May this year will be the most posperous one to you guys. ( This wish goes to: Aliya, Chik, Patsy, Reggie, Boon Yew, Calvin, Siew Yee, Tan, Shu Ren, Alice, and Ping)

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Hi hi there,
Being a busybody, I called up Puan Azimah of Bhgn Biasiswa this morning to clarify th status of my own document.
She said that you're to call her to ask for a Surat Perakuan for your surat kelulusan cuti belajar if you have this problem:
1.You've lost your copy due to fire, negligence, floods or your dog has eaten it (I add this on my own, hehee)
2. You notice that your document has a stamped black finger pointing to your name instead of a blue finger.
3. You notice that your document is not addressed to you but your school, or JPN.

She will not issue another copy of the Surat Kelulusan Cuti Belajar to those who have problems (1-4). You'd have to get a photostated copy from your former school or JPN. So she will only post you a Surat Perakuan to certify that the photostated copy you take for your interview is the same as your original copy. That's why she said at least 1 week before your interview. Take the photostated copy along with the Surat Perakuan when you attend your interview later.

The letterhead in black ink is not proof that your document is not original. The absence of a stamped blue finger pointing to your name is.

She was nice and helpful on the phone but she warned that she won't be so if everyone starts calling her asking about the same thing, when you still have the original copy with you.



Shuba (2009) asked "any idea where to get all those info frm?is there a particular book tht we can get hold?cause now am getting all freaked out.cause i remember how all were so scared for the dga 29 interview cause some told us to read up the things u mentioned earlier.they did ask me some ques abt the edu ministry but mainly it was abt how i handle things as a teacher.was it the same for u too during the interview yesterday?"

Frankly speaking, I only read what i can find in the PTK books and also the notes that we have in our Buku Ringkasan Mengajar. We will not getting the same questions because it depends on our options. They might ask about your methods or approaches that you use at school or the can ask you about our education history (dasar, PIPP, Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan, Wawasan 2020,etc). If you an English teacher, the interview will be conducted in English. The same goes with Maths and Science teachers. As long as you speak, there is no reason for you to fail. Do not go in and sleep, I mean just sit in there and keep quiet. Wear coats and look smart, okay? Huraah....

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


What a day! I went for my interview yesterday and to tell you guys the truth, the interview was so damn hard! Really. All the tips that I posted earlier in this blog will be asked by the interviewer. Every person that have gone in will tell different stories. Some will say that they have been asked about PIPP and Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan and some will say about something else like sekolah Kluster or Sekolah Wawasan. As for me, the interviewer asked about Penyata Razak 1956 and the approaches that I used for teaching English and ICTL. Here in Putrajaya, it took about 20 to 30 minutes per person. As a reminder, please check your Surat kelulusan Cuti separuh gaji. Yesterday I almost cannot go in for the interview because the person in-charge who was checking my certs and letters said that my surat is not original one because the letter head is in black and white. I argued with her and said all letters are using the black and white letterhead. She said no. Then she went to see her boss to clarify it and I still get the same answer. I cannot go in. At that time, I was like "mati kutu". It took me an hour to Putrajaya and I cannot go in? ****I asked her if there any possible way for me to solve this matter and she said that I can sit for the interview if I can get one surat perakuan from Bahagian biasiswa to verify my letter. My friend from UPSI also facing the same problem like me. So we went to Bahagian Biasiswa. We were racing with time because we can only sit for the interview if we can get surat perakuan before 12 o'clock. Since the parking space is very limited here in Putrajaya, we decided to walk. From Block B3 to Block E, it took us 30 minutes to go there. When we arrive at Bahagian Biasiswa, the time is already 10.30. Luckily, Puan Norazimah Abas the officer that handle PKPG matters was very helpful (Thank God we still have a kind officer like her!). She gave us a piece of paper and asked us to write a formal letter applying for surat perakuan from Bahagian Biasiswa. The best thing is, we do not need to type the letter, we write! With her help we were able to get the surat perakuan and we headed back to SPP. According to the lady at SPP usually it will take about three weeks to get the letter. But we were lucky lads yesterday. Finally, were allowed to sit for our DG41 interview. Alhamdulillah. The moral of the story is, please double or even triple check everything before you go for the interview.

Notes: This is a reminder from Pn. Norazimah Abas : Those who are facing the same problem please contact her at least 1 week before you guys go for the interview. Huraahh….

Friday, January 2, 2009


"Cikgu pun kena label?"
Haiyah.. another headache.
I was told that we will be 'labeled' starting 2009. And our date will be from June 2008 (anyone remember that we reported for duty on July 1st 2008?)
So, what's this pelabelan?
It's a new way for them to categorise us teachers, under PIPP and Bahagian Sumber Manusia is in charge.

As I'm told that since I registered at school in July, the school can't do mine. And as we're at USM for 3 years until June 2008, we were not teaching any class to be eligible for pelabelan according to the system.
Lohhh, so how?
I called our sifu, Regina and she told me that her school clerk said,"Wait until your pelantikan to DG41".
Any of you in other schools got other information about this pelabelan thing?
What have you done?
I'm thinking of contacting the Bahagian Sumber Manusia to clarify this.

Tips for the Interview.

I got these tips from the internet (ada yang dicedok dari Web SPP)

Rukun Negara
Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan
Wawasan 2020
Islam Hadhari
Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia
Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi
Perkembangan Dasar & Kemajuan Sistem Pelajaran Kebangsaan
Perkembangan Pelajaran Masa Kini
Pendidikan Pra Sekolah
Pendidikan Rendah
Pendidikan Menengah
Pendidikan Khas
Program Pendidikan Khas
Sekolah Sukan
Sekolah Seni
Pembestarian Sekolah
Pendidikan Pasca Menengah & Institusi Pengajian Tinggi
Pendidikan Swasta
Pelan Induk Pendidikan
Teori Pendidikan
Kurikulum Prasekolah
Kurikulum Baru Sekolah Rendah
Kurikulum Bersepadu Sekolah Menengah
Kurikulum Kursus Perguruan Lepasan Ijazah
Pengurusan Kurikulum
Program JQAF
Skim Pinjaman Buku Teks
Biasiswa dan Pinjaman
Program Bersepadu Sekolah Sihat
Program Pemakanan Sekolah
Bimbingan dan Kaunseling
Malaysia Teacher Standard


Skim Baucer Tuisyen

Gerak Kerja Kokurikulum
Sekolah Harapan Negara
Hari Guru
Projek Nilam
Majlis Sukan Sekolah-Sekolah Malaysia
Majlis Sukan dan Kebudayaan Perkhidmatan Pelajaran
Malaysian Teacher Standard MTS


Perintah-Perintah Am
Peraturan-Peraturan Lembaga Tatatertib Perkhidmatan Awam 1993
Arahan Perbendaharaan
Panduan Perbendaharaan Tatacara Pengurusan Stor
Arahan Perkhidmatan
Akta Acara Kewangan
Peraturan-Peraturan Pegawai Awam


Calon-calon akan dinilai dari aspek-aspek berikut :-

Cara Penyampaian/Berkomunikasi.

Kemahiran berhujah dan kemampuan menyampaikan buah fikiran dan maksud dengan rasional, logik, jelas, tepat dan padat adalah faktor utama ke arah kejayaan seseorang guru profesional. Adalah menjadi andaian asasi bahawa guru-guru terlatih adalah fasih, cekap dan terampil dalam menggunakan Bahasa Melayu. Oleh itu, calon-calon yang didapati tidak cekap dan tidak fasih dalam penggunaan Bahasa Melayu akan gagal dalam temuduga. Guru-guru yang tidak prihatin dalam pengucapan bahasanya sehingga selalu kabur atau memesongkan maksud yang hendak disampaikan akan diberi penilaian yang negatif. Perawakan Dan Penampilan Diri.

Calon-calon dikehendaki hadir temuduga dengan berpakaian kemas dan sopan. Calon-calon lelaki dikehendaki memakai baju kemeja berlengan panjang dan bertali leher, manakala calon-calon wanita memakai pakaian yang bersopan.

Pengetahuan Ikhtisas.

Adalah menjadi harapan Lembaga Temuduga bahawa guru-guru terlatih yang ditemuduga mempunyai pengetahuan yang wajar dan mempunyai kemahiran berbincang secara canggih (intelligent discussion) mengenai perkara-perkara berikut :-

a) Sejarah pembentukan dan perkembangan Sistem Pendidikan Negara dari segi dasar, pengurusan dan pentadbiran, sistem persekolahan, kurikulum dan sistem penilaian. Adalah diharapkan calon-calon telah membaca, mengkaji dan menerapkan fakta-fakta penting di dalam Penyata Razak (1956), Laporan Rahman Talib (1960), Akta pendidikan 1961 dan Laporan Kabinet mengenai perlaksanaan Dasar Pelajaran (1979);

b) Struktur dan sistem pengurusan dan pentadbiran negara pada peringkat pusat, negeri, daerah dan sekolah.

c) Falsafah Pendidikan Negara, khasnya dari segi perlaksanaannya di sekolah dan dalam bilik darjah.

d) Pengetahuan yang mendalam mengenai Dasar Pembangunan Negara/Wawasan 2020 dan hubungkaitnya dengan pendidikan dari segi falsafah dan amalannya.

e) Pengetahuan akademik yang wajar berkaitan dengan matapelajaran yang diajar opsyen/matapelajaran pengkhususan di institut/ maktab perguruan/ universiti.

f) metodologi dan perkaedahan matapelajaran yang diajar dengan tumpuan khas kepada aplikasinya di dalam bilik darjah.

g) Konsep, teori dan prinsip pedagogi dan psikologi dengan tumpuan khas kepada aplikasinya di dalam bilik darjah.

h) Falsafah dan konsep mengenai kurikulum dan perkembangan kurikulum dengan tumpuan khas kepada KBSR dan KBSM dan hubungkaitnya dengan matapelajaran yang diajar dan matapelajaran opsyen/pengkhususan di Institut/maktab perguruan/ universiti.

Pengetahuan Semasa/Am.

Pengetahuan semasa/am dikaitkan dengan aspek celik budaya. Celik Budaya diertikan sebagai kepekaan, keprihatinan dan daya ingin tahu terhadap alam persekitaran hidup dari segi fizikal, sosial, ekonomi, pentadbiran dan politik. Seseorang yang celik budaya mempunyai pengetahuan dan maklumat asas mengenai alam persekitarannya dan dapat berbincang secara canggih mengenainya dari berbagai-bagai sudut pandangan dan perspektif.

Laporan Nilaian Prestasi.

Laporan nilaian prestasi adalah juga diambilkira dalam pemilihan seseorang calon itu. Penilaian ini dibuat oleh Pegawai Penilai masing-masing dengan berpandukan kepada format borang yang dikeluarkan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan. Antara aspek-aspek yang dinilai ialah dengan memerhatikan guru berkenaan mengajar di dalam kelas atau membimbing murid-murid di dalam aktiviti-aktiviti ko-kurikulum.


Lemah cara penyampaian/komunikasi
Lemah perawakan/sikap.
Lemah Pengetahuan Am.
Lemah Ikhtisas.
Lemah keseluruhan.

20% cara menjawab\bercakap
20% penampilan
30% pengetahuan am\isu semasa
30% ikhtisas

I read that we need to wear coat as DG41 is for professional post (pegawai la...)

I post again if I found anything on the net or after I've gone through the interview this Tuesday.