Sunday, March 23, 2008


Dr Tan Kok Eng asks all PKPG TESOL students who will be going for LM in April 2008 to meet on Friday, 28 March.
There will be a taklimat LM.
Venue: Auditorium PPIP
Time: 10am until 12.00pm.
Please be there.
Thank you.

Please be professional about it.
If you are unable to attend the taklimat, PLEASE DO NOT DISTURB DR.TAN WITH YOUR EXCUSES OR COMPLAINTS.
The last day of lecture for this semester is indeed 28 March 2008.
The LM taklimat might/will be given by another PPIP lecturer in charge of LM, and as it is an official taklimat, please be punctual too.
Thank you for your cooperation :)

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