Friday, March 28, 2008


Whether it' s pink or green, make sure you have it.
Remember the forms that we signed when we were at MPTB?
We signed the pink perjanjian forms, and those who applied for the loan, we also signed the green forms, borang pinjaman.
We're supposed to have copies of the pink form (everyone) and also the green form (those who got the loan).
If you don't have them, you're in trouble 'coz your form has gone missing at the Bahagian Biasiswa, KPM.
I called the lady-in-charge yesterday, Pn. Siti Aisyah and she told me that my green form is missing. I have the pink perjanjian form with me but no green form.
Chai's got the green pinjaman form but no pink.
Other than Chai and I, Pn. Siti Aisyah mentioned Regina, Patsy, Subhashini and Meenarani. There might be more involved.
We have fill in the forms again with the setem hasil. Then get them signed exactly like the way we did 2 years ago. Yeah, don't ask me how. Just do it when you get the forms. Pn.Siti Aisyah siad that she'd put everything in detail in the envelope she'll post to us soon.
So let's pray hard and wait for the forms to arrive as a big parcel at Chai Siew Yee's postbox.

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