Friday, November 20, 2009


Attention please!!
For those who have yet to be informed about this by your respective Head of Panel.
To teachers who will be teaching Forms 1 and 4 in 2010, we will get a new set of literature component in English Language for Form 1 and Form 4.
Say bye-bye to Life's Brief Candle, The Dead Crow, The Pencil, Bally Shoes, etc.
Say ta-ta to The Road Not Taken, Monsoon History, The Necklace, Drover's Wife, etc.
Say sayonara to The Pearl, Jungle of Hope or The Return.
They'll be replaced with a new set of poems, short stories, novel and.. [surprise, surprise] drama.
We'll have to teach drama for literature as a part of the English Language syllabus.
Now aren't we lucky that we've studied drama for a semester? [hahaha... I can see some of you groaning]
I managed to skim through the new literature textbook for both forms. All I can say for now is that most of the new texts will pose a challenge to us. Don't know about those in other states but we're yet to be called for courses regarding this new change.
And no, still no idea which part is for Form 1, 2 or 3.

Here's the whole list:
English Literature Component Form 1 to 3
• I Wonder by Jeannie Kirby
• The River by Valerie Bloom
• Mr. Nobody
• Heir Conditioning by M. SHANmughaligam
• A Fighter’s Lines by Marzuki Ali
• Leisure by William Henry Davies

Short Stories:
• Fantastic by Jane Langford
• One Is One and All Alone by Nicholas Fisk

• Rumpelstiltskin

English Literature Component Form 4 and 5
• In The Midst of Hardship by Latiff Mohidin
• He Had Such Quiet Eyes by Bibsy Soenharjo
• Nature by H.D. Carberry
• Are You Still Playing Your Flute by Zurinah Hassan

Short Stories:
• QWERTYUIOP by Vi...vien Alcock
• The Fruitcake Special by Frank Brennan

• Gulp and Gasp by John Townsend

I'm familiar with 3 of the lower forms poems and am still wondering how in the world I'm going to teach them [can already imagine hearing the students saying "Mr.Nobody!" when asked about who had made the mess in class.. urghhh]
For those in Penang, I was told by my SPBT teacher that we'll be studying Black Beauty [I groaned and am still groaning coz I've already read that book]

Meanwhile, if you have any information regarding this new change, do leave some comments here, k.
Bye for now. Happy holidays :)


Finally, it's the year-end holidays.
Congratulations to all of us, we've survived a full year as secondary school teachers.
Congratulations too to all who have received your surat pelantikan tetap to DG41. Faizal, Effa, Ping, Suguna, Meena, Tan, Regie, etc.
Those who have yet to receive, please check at online website to make sure that your documents have been received by the SPP.
And yes, try to persuade your Boss to get you confirmed by the end of the year. We need only a year to be confirmed as DG41 teachers, once we've received our pelantikan letter. I've signed mine and am waiting for the confirmation letter, hehehe..
And good news, we don't have to attend Kursus Induksi at all.

The holidays will be shorter for those who have to be SPM invigilators this year but don't fret, you'll be RM300+ richer, hehehee.. [I managed to escape this year due to pregnancy's morning sickness, which is not fun at all :P]
Keep in touch, keep in touch...
If not through sms & phone calls, at least visit here once in a while.